Managing Psychological Strain

It was the day before everything changed again.
As we prepared to shed our heavy coats, face coverings, and gloves to come out and socialize in the fresh air.
The next day, the world screamed… Not so fast! REWIND…
Cover our faces, wear our gloves, go back inside – and stay there – together (or alone) – for a long time. We see the same faces, every day. 24-7. We watch our savings dwindle and our universe shrink. Our homes are our schools, our restaurants, our offices, and gyms. It’s Zoom-Central for everything, and those who can rely on this technology are the lucky ones. Others have suffered tragically.
We all want to feel capable, confident, and in control. As we’ve learned, there’s nothing like chaos and uncertainty to rob us of each of those affirmations, one by one.
We need to maintain control. But it feels like we are standing against a strong headwind looking for a rope to grab while at the same time, we’re navigating the most significant and far-reaching uncertainties of our lives.
It is important now to focus on our mental stability, especially during a nationwide social distancing mandate. Additionally, it is just as critical to avoid additional stress and to focus now on our mental stability.
While it may seem hopeless, we don’t have to lose our feeling of capability, confidence, or control. There are some lasting actions we can take and to focus on our mental stability. Furthermore, we must work to not pile on additional strain to our lives and relationships.
Now, in the middle of prolonged uncertainty, when the anxiety and depression are acute, it is an opportune time to build confidence. Because the bedrock of our inner life will be exposed, our results will be immediately and visibly gratified.
We are all afraid at times of what will happen in the future. We draw it in the darkest light.
We try to predict our circumstances over time. We try to solve future problems that have not even come yet. As a result, depression and anxiety grow in alarming numbers. Stress is taking over our lives. Every day becomes a struggle to survive.
In this article I want to focus on and help you to better understand and Distinguish between such psychological concepts as concern and worry,”
- 1. “Concern is when you understand a stressful situation. You focus on it and do everything that is expected of you and what is necessary and right in this situation.
- 2. Worry is when you draw the most terrible pictures in your imagination, in your head about your future. Moreover, you pass it off as an approaching reality.
- 3. The solution to the problem is to be vigilant and distinguish when you go from the ‘concern’ state, which is inevitable in our difficult days, into the ‘worry’ state.”
If you notice yourself slipping into the ‘worried’ category, I urge you to utilize a holistic approach, which combines cognitive strategies with simple behavioral ones.
Advice on strengthening and improving mental state:
One way to start is to go for a walk, stay active. Elevate those endorphins. Shift your mindset from survival to pleasure. Mobilize a benefit mindset.
While on your walk, do a thought experiment and distinguish between concern and worry. Notice the difference between when you are concerned, and when you are worried.
Practice catching yourself in negative thoughts and transform your anxiety into noticing and doing what must be done for yourself as well as your community.
Try adding a spiritual approach and a good diet in order to maintain a healthy immune system.
You will undoubtedly and immediately notice some relief from stress. You will feel lighter, happier, and more inclined to engage and be mentally, physically stimulated.
In the long run, you will have regained sustainable will to feel capable, confident, and in control. You will develop resilience to effectively face obstacles in the future.
Dr. Sergei Sorokin, PsyD founder of the Center for Emotional Peace
Psychotherapist and Clinical Hypnosis
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