What Your Struggling with May Not be Stress - You Could Need an Anxiety Treatment

We provide anxiety treatment in our office and recommend that anyone who is suffering from the disorder contact us for help right away. Too many people live with anxiety thinking that this is a standard level of stress. Many people accept that there is no real way to deal with the anxiety. This is not the case. Making a mistake of viewing an anxiety disorder is something that is not important or does not have a treatment can only lead to additional suffering.

The truth is that over 3 million people struggle with an anxiety disorder every year and people of all ages can experience a negative impact from this. Children as young as the age of six can suffer from this condition. This makes it important to watch for the symptoms and seek treatment as necessary.

Stress versus anxiety

Everyone suffers from stressful moments. Stress is something that can come from school, work, personal relationships, finances and more. Since stress is common, it is important to develop coping techniques to prevent these from causing anxiety. However, this is easier said than done. Anxiety begins to occur when stress causes symptoms at the physical, behavioral and mental level.

At this point, doing something like taking a bath is unlikely to provide sufficient relief from the anxiety. Think of it this way. If simply engaging in an activity, grabbing dinner with friends or listening to music turns a stressful day into a fun and relaxing one, there is no disorder. However, if it is difficult or impossible to do these things and enjoy them because of stress and anxiety, it is time to seek treatment.

Watch for these symptoms

Since anxiety can impact people differently, it is possible to have one or all of the symptoms. It is also important to note that there may be symptoms of anxiety that are not listed here. Anyone who has the following should contact us for help:

  • Insomnia
  • Rapid heart rate accompanied by stress
  • Excessive sweating
  • Fear that is extreme or causes changes in behavior
  • Inability to get rid of thoughts of worry or stress
  • Being irritable or angry all the time
  • Excessive worrying

Anxiety treatment

We are going to recommend a treatment option that meets the needs of an individual patient. To start, we need to investigate potential causes of the anxiety in the first place. This allows us to make some specific lifestyle recommendations. Also, we may be able to help patients make changes that would either reduce or eliminate the cause.

We may also recommend therapy, medication, alternative treatments and at-home care. Since our goal is to improve our patients' overall well-being in the long-term, we may need to adjust these treatment options from time to time to find the perfect combination.

Various at-home care steps can be taken to also reduce symptoms of anxiety. When done in combination with an anxiety treatment, they can be incredibly effective. These include:

  • Daily cardiovascular exercise
  • Deep breathing
  • Taking a relaxing bath
  • Not smoking
  • Limiting caffeine intake
  • Drinking in moderation or not at all
  • Eating a healthy diet

Learn more about our anxiety treatment

To discover how our anxiety treatment can be used to improve your health, call and schedule an appointment with our office. We will work closely with you to identify the best ways to relieve your anxiety and improve your health.

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